L'aggiornamento più recente di questa pagina risale a 2022-08 e si riferisce alla versione del router 0.9.55.

Segue un indice della documentazione tecnica di I2P.

This index is ordered from the highest to lowest layers. The higher layers are for "clients" or applications; the lower layers are inside the router itself. The interface between applications and the router is the I2CP (I2P Control Protocol) API.

The specifications linked below are currently supported in the network. See the Proposte page for specifications in discussion or development.

The I2P Project is committed to maintaining accurate, current documentation. If you find any inaccuracies in the documents linked below, please enter a ticket identifying the problem.

Indice della Documentazione tecnica


Topic sul Livello applicazione

API a livello applicazione e Protocolli

High-level, easy-to-use APIs for applications written in any language to send and receive data.

API e protocolli di trasporto End-to-End

The end-to-end protocols used by clients for reliable and unreliable communication.

API e protocollo di interfaccia Client-Router

The lowest-level API used for clients (applications) to send and receive traffic to a router. Traditionally used only by Java applications and higher-level APIs.

Cifratura End-to-End

How client messages are end-to-end encrypted by the router.

Database della Rete

Distributed storage and retrieval of information about routers and clients.

Protocollo Messaggi dei Router

I2P is a message-oriented router. The messages sent between routers are defined by the I2NP protocol.


Selecting peers, requesting tunnels through those peers, and encrypting and routing messages through these tunnels.

Livello di trasporto

The protocols for direct (point-to-point) router to router communication.

Other Router Topics

Guida dello sviluppatore ed altre risorse