このページは 2024-12 に最終更新されました。

General Information

I2P再シードサーバーを稼働する有志に感謝します。 "再シード"はネットワーク内へ新規ルーターをブートストラップするための期間です。 新規ルーターはハードコードされた一つ以上のHTTPS URLの一覧から、ピア照会、もしくは"ルーター情報"の集まりを取得します


A reseed server must be reachable on the public internet. It must use TLS, but it may use a self-signed TLS certificate if the reseed administrator is in communication with the router development team. The administrator of the reseed server should provide contact information in order to respond to issues and be in touch with the I2P team.


To read the reseed policy, follow this link.

Are you a Debian user? You can find Debian-Specific instructions here.

Are you a Docker user? You can find Docker-Specific instructions here.

To read the old instructions, follow this link.

Installation from Source Code

These guidelines are based on idk's reseed-tools server. They should be very similar to the guidelines for DivaExchange's i2p-reseed server.

Reseed Tools is a pure Go application which can be built statically without CGO. It makes use of Go Modules. A Makefile is provided with some targets which are convenient helpers for generating binaries, especially for production and release purposes.

1. Install the build dependencies

sudo apt-get install go git make

2. Clone the source code

git clone https://i2pgit.org/idk/reseed-tools ~/go/src/i2pgit.org/idk/reseed-tools

3. Generate the binaries using the make build command

cd ~/go/src/i2pgit.org/idk/reseed-tools
make build

4. Install the binary and the config files

sudo make install

Running the Service

1. First, ensure that the I2P service is already running. The longer the better, if you have to re-start the service, or if the service has very few peers, allow it to run for 24 hours before advancing to step 2.

sudo systemctl start i2p
# or, if you use sysvinit
sudo service i2p start

2. Once your I2P router is Well-Integrated, fill in your email in /etc/systemd/system/reseed.service.d/override.conf and start the reseed service. If you use sysvinit, fill in your email in /etc/default/reseed instead.

sudo systemctl start reseed
# or, if you use sysvinit
sudo service reseed start

Your reseed will auto-configure with a self-signed certificate on port :8443 . The certificates themselves are available in /var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/reseed . When you are ready, you should copy the *.crt files from that directory and share them with the I2P community on zzz.i2p . These will allow I2P users to authenticate your reseed services and secure the I2P network.

Contact us via email zzz at mail.i2p. Provide us with details about your new reseed server:

  • Reseed website URL
  • Public SSL certificate (only required if selfsigned)
  • Public reseed su3 certificate
  • Your contact email
  • A statement that you agree to the privacy policy above