I2P dev meeting, April 10, 2007

Quick recap

  • Present:

Complication, jadeSerpent, jrandom, mrflibble,

Registro completo do IRC

16:01 < jrandom> 0) hi
16:01 < jrandom> 1) Net status
16:01 < jrandom> 2) Syndie dev status
16:01 < jrandom> 3) ???
16:01 < jrandom> 0) hi
16:01  * jrandom waves
16:01 < jrandom> the brief weekly status notes are posted up at http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2007-April/001343.html
16:01  * mrflibble waves back
16:03 < jrandom> as those notes are short enough, lets jump on in to 1) Net status
16:03 < jrandom> things seem to be going along fairly well lately
16:03 < jrandom> atm there aren't any major changes underway for the net (that i know of), so that will likely remain the case
16:03 < jadeSerpent> irc seems to have calmed down finally too
16:03 < jrandom> cool
16:05 < jrandom> i don't have much to add re: 1) net status, so unless anyone has anything for it, lets jump on over to 2) Syndie dev status
16:07 < jrandom> the next rev is taking longer than expected, but i'm hoping to get a new release out in the next 2-3 days
16:07 < jrandom> it won't be the desktop gui, but will include a number of improvements
16:08 < Complication> anything which helps syndication reliability would be wonderful
16:08 < Complication> it's been comparatively poor lately
16:08 < jrandom> aye, that trouble should be easy enough to sort out (to an extent)
16:09 < jadeSerpent> you know what's causing the failed fetches via i2p?
16:09 < jrandom> aye, low timeouts
16:10 < jrandom> (and low handler threads on the servers)
16:13 < jrandom> ok, if there isn't anything else on 2) Syndie dev status, lets jump over to 3) ???
16:13 < jrandom> anyone have anything else to bring up for the meeting?
16:14  * mrflibble waves
16:14 < mrflibble> sorry, going back  to  point 1 again
16:15 < mrflibble> <jadeSerpent> irc seems to have calmed down finally too - is this for any particular reason do you think?
16:16 < jrandom> there were some network and hardware trouble on the irc servers, and most people have upgraded to the latest release now (giving us the benefit of zzz's improvements)
16:17 < jrandom> the #s for tunnel creation success rates look much better
16:17 < mrflibble> oh ok, was the servers themselves
16:17 < mrflibble> what were zzz's imporvements?
16:19 < Complication> message priorities, to allow tunnel build messages to take priority over tunnel traffic
16:19 < Complication> and streaming lib adjustments, and the usual array of I2PSnark fixes
16:19 < mrflibble> ah,  thanks
16:19 < jrandom> (what Complication said :)
16:22 < jrandom> ok, anyone have anything else for the meeting?
16:26 < jrandom> if not
16:26  * jrandom winds up
16:26  * jrandom *baf*s the meeting closed