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Bodenständige Mathe


When I last profiled the I2P code, the vast majority of time was spent within one function: java.math.BigInteger's modPow. Rather than try to tune this method, we'll call out to GNU MP - an insanely fast math library (with tuned assembler for many architectures). (Editor: see NativeBigInteger for faster public key cryptography)

ugha and duck are working on the C/JNI glue code, and the existing java code is already deployed with hooks for that whenever its ready. Preliminary results look fantastic - running the router with the native GMP modPow is providing over a 800% speedup in encryption performance, and the load was cut in half. This was just on one user's machine, and things are nowhere near ready for packaging and deployment, yet.

Garlic Verpackung eines "Antwort"-LeaseSets

[Implentiert, benötigt weitere Optimierungen]

Diese Algorithmusänderung wird nur für Anwendungen, die eine Antwort vom Klienten benötigen, relevant sein (dieses betrifft dann doch alles, welches I2PTunnel oder mihis MiniStreamin Bibliothek nutzt):

Previously, when Alice sent Bob a message, when Bob replied he had to do a lookup in the network database - sending out a few requests to get Alice's current LeaseSet. If he already has Alice's current LeaseSet, he can instead just send his reply immediately - this is (part of) why it typically takes a little longer talking to someone the first time you connect, but subsequent communication is faster. Currently - for all clients - we wrap the sender's current LeaseSet in the garlic that is delivered to the recipient, so that when they go to reply, they'll always have the LeaseSet locally stored - completely removing any need for a network database lookup on replies. This trades off a large portion of the sender's bandwidth for that faster reply. If we didn't do this very often, overall network bandwidth usage would decrease, since the recipient doesn't have to do the network database lookup.

Für unveröffentlichte LeaseSets wie "geteilte Dienste", ist dies der einzige Weg, das LeaseSet an Bob zu übertragen. Diese Bündelung addiert leider fast 100% Overhead zu einer Breitbandverbindung und weit mehr zu einer Verbindung mit kleineren Nachrichten.

Änderungen sind vorgesehen für Version 0.6.2; Sie bündeln das LeaseSet am Anfang der Verbindung nur, wenn erforderlich oder wenn es sich verändert. Dies wird die zusätzliche Last an I2P-Nachrichten erheblich reduzieren.

Effizientere TCP Ablehnungen


At the moment, all TCP connections do all of their peer validation after going through the full (expensive) Diffie-Hellman handshaking to negotiate a private session key. This means that if someone's clock is really wrong, or their NAT/firewall/etc is improperly configured (or they're just running an incompatible version of the router), they're going to consistently (though not constantly, thanks to the banlist) cause a futile expensive cryptographic operation on all the peers they know about. While we will want to keep some verification/validation within the encryption boundary, we'll want to update the protocol to do some of it first, so that we can reject them cleanly without wasting much CPU or other resources.

Anpassen des Tunneltests


Rather than going with the fairly random scheme we have now, we should use a more context aware algorithm for testing tunnels. e.g. if we already know its passing valid data correctly, there's no need to test it, while if we haven't seen any data through it recently, perhaps its worthwhile to throw some data its way. This will reduce the tunnel contention due to excess messages, as well as improve the speed at which we detect - and address - failing tunnels.

Beständige Tunnel / Auswahl Lease

Auswahl der nach aussen gebundene Tunnel implementiert in, Auswahl der nach innen gebundndenen Leases implementiert in Release 0.6.2.

Wenn Tunnel und Leases für jede Nachricht zufällig gewählt werden, dann führt dies zu einer hohen Tendenz für fehlerhafte Übertragung, was die Streaming Bibliothek daran hindert, seine Fenstergröße zu maximieren. Wenn gleiche Einstellungen für gegebene Verbindungen bestehen bleiben, ist die Transferrate viel höher.

Unterdrückung einiger Datenstrukturen


The I2NP messages and the data they contain is already defined in a fairly compact structure, though one attribute of the RouterInfo structure is not - "options" is a plain ASCII name = value mapping. Right now, we're filling it with those published statistics - around 3300 bytes per peer. Trivial to implement GZip compression would nearly cut that to 1/3 its size, and when you consider how often RouterInfo structures are passed across the network, that's significant savings - every time a router asks another router for a networkDb entry that the peer doesn't have, it sends back 3-10 RouterInfo of them.

Aktualisieren des Ministreaming-Protokolls

[ersetzt durch vollständiges Streaming Protocol]

Currently mihi's ministreaming library has a fairly simple stream negotiation protocol - Alice sends Bob a SYN message, Bob replies with an ACK message, then Alice and Bob send each other some data, until one of them sends the other a CLOSE message. For long lasting connections (to an IRC server, for instance), that overhead is negligible, but for simple one-off request/response situations (an HTTP request/reply, for instance), that's more than twice as many messages as necessary. If, however, Alice piggybacked her first payload in with the SYN message, and Bob piggybacked his first reply with the ACK - and perhaps also included the CLOSE flag - transient streams such as HTTP requests could be reduced to a pair of messages, instead of the SYN+ACK+request+response+CLOSE.

Implementierung eines kompletten Streaming Protokolls


The ministreaming protocol takes advantage of a poor design decision in the I2P client protocol (I2CP) - the exposure of "mode=GUARANTEED", allowing what would otherwise be an unreliable, best-effort, message based protocol to be used for reliable, blocking operation (under the covers, its still all unreliable and message based, with the router providing delivery guarantees by garlic wrapping an "ACK" message in with the payload, so once the data gets to the target, the ACK message is forwarded back to us [through tunnels, of course]).

As I've said, having I2PTunnel (and the ministreaming lib) go this route was the best thing that could be done, but more efficient mechanisms are available. When we rip out the "mode=GUARANTEED" functionality, we're essentially leaving ourselves with an I2CP that looks like an anonymous IP layer, and as such, we'll be able to implement the streaming library to take advantage of the design experiences of the TCP layer - selective ACKs, congestion detection, nagle, etc.