Notas de la versión
- Notas de la versión
- Registro de cambios
- Registro de cambios para Debian
- Registro de cambios para Android
I2P for Windows

Download I2P for Windows
i2pinstall_2.8.1_windows.exeServidor réplica (mirror):

The default I2P installer requires Java to be installed. You can obtain it from Oracle or from your choice of Java distribution. After installing Java, download the file and double-click to run it.
Easy Install Bundle For Windows (Beta)
It is now possible to install all I2P components using a single package (No Java required). To try out the new installer, click below. This bundle can also be used to configure a Firefox Profile. It will not interfere with an existing I2P installation if one exists.
I2P Easy Install Bundle For Windows (Beta)Detailed Install Guide
I2P for Mac OS X

Download I2P for Mac OS
i2pinstall_2.8.1.jarServidor réplica (mirror):

I2P is available as a Java application for Mac OSX. It is distributed as a Java .jar
installer and therefore MacOS will ask you for explicit permission to run the software.
I2P for Linux

Download I2P for Linux / BSD / Solaris
i2pinstall_2.8.1.jarServidor réplica (mirror):

The most reliable way to launch the installer is from a terminal like this:
java -jar i2pinstall_2.8.1.jar
. This will launch the GUI installer. Depending on how your computer is set up, you may be able to start the installer by double-clicking the "i2pinstall_2.8.1.jar" file
or right-clicking the file and selecting "Open with Java". Unfortunately, this behaviour is difficult to predict.
Instalación desde línea de comandos (sistemas headless):
I2P can also be installed in a terminal environment, which may be especially useful for servers, containers, or certain virtual machines. If you wish to use the installer without a GUI, you can use the commandjava -jar i2pinstall_2.8.1.jar -console
to follow the install procedure in your terminal.
I2P for Debian and Ubuntu

I2P is available in the official repositories for Ubuntu Bionic and later, and Debian Buster and Sid. However, Debian Buster and Ubuntu Bionic (LTS) distributions will have older I2P versions. If you are not running Debian Sid or the latest Ubuntu release, use our Debian repo or Launchpad PPA to ensure you're running the latest I2P version.
I2P for Android

I2P for Docker

I2P is now available as a Docker package from the Docker Hub. You may retrieve the image by running the 'docker pull' command.
docker pull geti2p/i2p
Docker Hub

Download I2P Paquete de código fuente
i2psource_2.8.1.tar.bz2Servidor réplica (mirror):

you can fetch the source via Git from git.repo.i2p or Github.
Run (tar xjvf i2psource_2.8.1.tar.bz2 ; cd i2p-2.8.1 ; ant pkg)
then either run the GUI installer or headless install as above.
Android source is also in git on Github. Android builds require the I2P source. See the documentation in the Android source for additional build requirements and instructions.
Actualizaciones desde versiones anteriores:
Hay disponibles actualizaciones de cambio de versión manuales y automáticas.

If you are running 0.7.5 or later, your router should detect the new release. To upgrade simply click the 'Download Update' button on your router console when it appears.
Desde la 0.9.23, algunas versiones están firmadas por str4d, cuya clave de firmado ha estado en el router I2P desde la 0.9.9. Los routers I2P anteriores a la 0.9.9 no podrán verificar los ficheros de actualización firmados por str4d, y precisarán ser actualizados manualmente usando el procedimiento a continuación.

Download I2P for Actualizationes manuales
i2pupdate_2.8.1.zipServidor réplica (mirror):

- Download the file to your I2P installation directory and rename as (alternately, you can get the source as above and run "ant updater", then copy the resulting to your I2P installation directory). You do NOT need to unzip the file.
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