A última atualização desta página foi em 2024-07.

Essa implementação da I2P (a implementação Java distribuída neste site) inclui uma “Lista de países restritos” que usamos para decidir como os roteadores devem se comportar em regiões onde aplicativos como a I2P podem ser limitados por lei. Por exemplo, embora nenhum país que conhecemos proíba o uso do I2P, alguns têm proibições amplas de participar de roteamento para outros. Os roteadores que parecem estar nos países “Strict” serão automaticamente colocados no modo “Hidden” (Oculto).

The Project relies on the research provided by civil and digital rights organizations in order to make decisions that offer protections for its users. In this case the ongoing research provided by Freedom House has been referenced. General guidance is to include countries with a Civil Liberties (CL) score of 16 or less or an Internet Freedom score of 39 or less (not free).

Hidden Mode Summary

When a router is placed into hidden mode, three key things change about its behavior. It will no longer publish a routerInfo to the NetDB, it will no longer accept participating tunnels, and it will reject direct connections to routers in the same country that it is in. These defenses make the routers more difficult to enumerate reliably, and prevent them from running afoul of restrictions on routing traffic for others.

Strict Countries List as of 2024

    /* Afghanistan */ "AF",
    /* Azerbaijan */ "AZ",
    /* Bahrain */ "BH",
    /* Belarus */ "BY",
    /* Brunei */ "BN",
    /* Burundi */ "BI",
    /* Cameroon */ "CM",
    /* Central African Republic */ "CF",
    /* Chad */ "TD",
    /* China */ "CN",
    /* Cuba */ "CU",
    /* Democratic Republic of the Congo */ "CD",
    /* Egypt */ "EG",
    /* Equatorial Guinea */ "GQ",
    /* Eritrea */ "ER",
    /* Ethiopia */ "ET",
    /* Iran */ "IR",
    /* Iraq */ "IQ",
    /* Kazakhstan */ "KZ",
    /* Laos */ "LA",
    /* Libya */ "LY",
    /* Myanmar */ "MM",
    /* North Korea */ "KP",
    /* Palestinian Territories */ "PS",
    /* Pakistan */ "PK",
    /* Rwanda */ "RW",
    /* Saudi Arabia */ "SA",
    /* Somalia */ "SO",
    /* South Sudan */ "SS",
    /* Sudan */ "SD",
    /* Eswatini (Swaziland) */ "SZ",
    /* Syria */ "SY",
    /* Tajikistan */ "TJ",
    /* Thailand */ "TH",
    /* Turkey */ "TR",
    /* Turkmenistan */ "TM",
    /* Venezuela */ "VE",
    /* United Arab Emirates */ "AE",
    /* Uzbekistan */ "UZ",
    /* Vietnam */ "VN",
    /* Western Sahara */ "EH",
    /* Yemen */ "YE"

Se você acha que um país deve ser adicionado aos países estritos, registre um problema no gitlab I2P.