• Publicado: 2020-05-25
  • Autor: zzz
  • Publicado em release

0.9.46 contém melhorias significativas de desempenho na biblioteca de streaming. Concluímos o desenvolvimento da criptografia ECIES (proposta 144) e agora há uma opção para habilitá-la para testes.

Windows users only: This release fixes a local privilege escalation vulnerability which could be exploited by a local user that has the ability to run programs. Please apply the update as soon as possible. Thanks to Blaze Infosec for their responsible disclosure of the issue.

Esta é a última versão a suportar Java 7, pacotes Debian Wheezy e Stretch, e pacotes Ubuntu Precise e Trusty. Os usuários nessas plataformas devem atualizar para receber atualizações futuras do I2P.

Como de costume, recomendamos que você atualize para esse lançamento. A melhor maneira de manter a segurança e ajudar a rede é rodar a última versão lançada.



  • ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet encryption complete, ready for testing (proposal 144)
  • Hidden Services Manager: Redesign edit pages
  • i2psnark: Fix marking torrents as BAD at startup
  • NetDB: Support ECIES replies to lookups (proposal 154)
  • RRD4J 3.5 replaces jrobin
  • Streaming performance improvments using Westwood+ congestion control

Correções de Erros

  • Hidden Services Manager: Fixes for changing shared client options, prevent changing certain options while tunnel is running
  • Reproducible build fix
  • Streaming: Multiple fixes
  • UPnP: Several fixes for changing interfaces and devices
  • Windows: Fix permissions on install directory


  • Build process changes to support git
  • Console: Don't show IPv6 temporary addresses as bind options
  • Console: Fix up javascript, stricter Content Security Policy
  • Crypto: Disable speculative tagset usage
  • Eepsites: Add Jetty GzipHandler for Jetty 9.3+
  • I2CP: Disable gzip for HTTP server tunnels and i2psnark
  • i2psnark: Connect out to other seeds to fetch new comments
  • i2psnark: Support file paths in add form
  • NetDB: Don't send "fake hash" to indicate exploration
  • Profiles: Change decay algorithm
  • Profiles: Limit average speed calculation to high capacity peers
  • Router: Auto-floodfill now class N minimum
  • Router: Checks for key certificates in destinations (proposal 145)
  • Router: Enforce minimum version for tunnel peers
  • SusiDNS: Support adding Base 32 addresses
  • Atualizações de tradução

Full list of fixed bugs

SHA256 checksums:

2809402371b635ecb4260de3e791270c06ed3d55830ed099062e7546136419f8  i2pinstall_0.9.46_windows.exe
bc8ec63e1df5eba7b22c57a143ff177a1fb208f793f07ecf249f3589029def1e  i2pinstall_0.9.46.jar
ab0eb691b2753277738fe16ddc46349a24fd66b6323deae987f7c927272befd8  i2psource_0.9.46.tar.bz2
f0e7eed82a17e221c0bf604686518e85828f4a0a32c87a24c107e2c7492671cc  i2pupdate_0.9.46.zip
94d3c8ce82fa33224b446958a7eb6ad8aa403850ca01238f949c93b52830b122  i2pupdate.su3